Is this an easy question to answer for you?  It should be.  If not, you could be suffering from a significant lack of purpose, direction, focus, peace or happiness.  This is relevant for you personally, your family, and your career.
We were not created to merely exist, go with the flow, and take whatever comes our way with a grain of salt.  Nope, we were met to dream big, to pursue those dreams with all of the strength within our beings.  Don’t  give up at the first, second or even the third obstacle that could steal our vision, focus and ultimately, the entirety of our dreams.  We are also challenged throughout our lifetimes to be  focused on others;  to give of our selves toward the betterment of our neighbors and those who need us, whether they know it or not.  True happiness comes from the combination of the two:  purpose and service to others.  Further, an anonymous random act of kindness can ultimately be the most rewarding.
My dream, and my new focus, with the passing of my wife of 30 years a few months ago, is to significantly pour myself into the lives of other people who need what I have to offer so that their own lives are transformed.   These people include my business colleagues, personal friends, and family.   They can then be better able to “pass it on” to others.  After all, that is ultimately what life is all about.  The old saying “You can’t take it with you” is so true as it relates to material things.  The only investment in life that has eternal value (as it affects those who come after you potentially for generations) is what you pour into other people’s lives today.
I can still remember 25 years ago when a homeless man walked into a building lobby where I was waiting for my wife and family who were upstairs.  It was cold and wet outside and the man had no coat to wear.  He asked me for some money but I had none to give him.  However, I was prompted to take the coat off my back and give it to him to keep him warm.  I felt strongly compelled to do it.  But I hesitated.   Instead, I rationalized the thought away by talking myself out of it.   He left with nothing.  I still live with that regret.  It was an opportunity presented to me to change someone’s life with a kindness as small as giving a man in the cold a new jacket to wear who had none, but I missed it.  It motivates me today to not let those opportunities get away, whether they be business or social consciousness  situations.
What have you done today to touch the lives of those around you?  Think about it.  It can make all the difference in the world.
Please comment with your experiences on how life has impacted you and how you have impacted the lives of others.  Please tell us what it is that motivates you.